
Earlier this week, the US FDA officially approved Diclegis as a viable treatment for pregnant women.  Diclegis is a new anti-nausea drug developed specifically for women who have exhausted all natural options to reduce morning sickness.

Diclegis is a delayed-release pill that is taken on a daily basis.  A recent study has shown that women who take the pill experience some relief of their morning symptoms within two weeks.  The findings also revealed that Diclegis poses little if any risk to the health of the foetus.

Prior to the FDA ruling, doctors advised mothers to make changes to their lifestyles and diets to treat severe cases of nausea, vomiting, and other symptoms of morning sickness.  These recommendations include eating frequent yet smaller meals, comprised mainly of bland food and avoiding foods with distinct smells.  If dietary changes are ineffective, doctors recommend natural anti-nauseates like ginger.

Unfortunately, some women require more than a new diet and ginger ale to treat their morning sickness symptoms.  Doctors are normally reluctant to prescribe anti-nausea medication because it could potentially harm the child.  However, the FDA recognizes that the benefits of Diclegis outweigh its miniscule associated risks.

“Diclegis is now the only FDA-approved treatment for nausea and vomiting due to pregnancy, providing a therapeutic option for pregnant women seeking relief from these symptoms,” says Dr. Hylton V. Joffe of the FDA’s Center for Drug Evaluation and Research.

Morning sickness normally subsides after the first trimester.  As such, doctors are advised to reassess the patient’s need for Diclegis as they progress through their pregnancy.

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Blog FDA Approves Diclegis For Pregnancy Nausea
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