Cord Blood Basics

Congratulations, you’ve enrolled. What happens next?

A Cord Blood Expert will call you in 1-2 business days to verify your information, make arrangements for delivery of your collection kit and answer any additional questions that you may have about the cord blood banking process.

The Delivery Day Instructions

Please review the important information below regarding your cord blood and or tissue collection.

Upon receipt of your collection kit 

  • Open the kit to review the Parent Instructions Booklet and Data Collection Sheet.
  • Please fill out the top portion of the Data Collection Sheet, but do not sign until after the baby is delivered.
  • Store your kit at room temperature (do not refrigerate or store it in your car).

Click here to unbox the Insception Lifebank collection kit!

At the birthing facility

  • Inform your Labour and Delivery (L&D) team of your planned cord blood/tissue collection and pass your collection kit to your nurse.
  • Make sure they know if you want to preserve cord blood only or cord blood and cord tissue.
  • Remind the L&D team that the amount of cord blood volume collected is critical. Please ask the L&D team to collect as much cord blood as possible.

After cord blood collection

  • Ensure that the cord blood, cord tissue (if applicable), birthing person/maternal blood draw tubes, completed Data Collection Sheet, and completed Maternal Serology Requisition are returned to the kit.
  • Close the box securely and fold it into a cube per the Post-Collection Sealing Instructions for Shipping found on the outside of the box.
  • Call 1.866.936.4558 to arrange for collection kit pick-up, available 24/7. Please call within 2 hours of birth.
  • Your sample should be kept at room temperature and stable for up to 72 hours.

Laboratory Processing & Storage 

  • Text Message (SMS): You will receive an SMS notifying you that your baby’s cord blood/tissue has been processed and stored at our laboratory.
  • Confirmation Letter: In approximately 4 to 6 weeks, you will receive a confirmation letter confirming the status of your processed and stored cord blood unit.
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