Advances, Awareness and Future Possibilities of Umbilical Cord Banking

In the May 2016 issue of AABB News, the article entitled “Ongoing Progress in Umbilical Cord Transplant” not only highlights the medical breakthroughs with umbilical cord blood (UCB) stem cells, but also the importance of education and awareness.
Author Jay Lewis writes an in-depth examination of the advantages, awareness, finances and future possibilities of UCB.  The insights from experts like Dr. Joanne Kurtzberg, Frances Verter and Charis Ober give parents and expectant parents a better idea of the importance of cord blood banking and the future medical options it provides for their families.  According to Dr. Kurtzberg, UCB-related research is expanding so quickly, it is important to educate not only parents, but also healthcare professionals, on the benefits of collecting cord blood and the medical options it may provide, along with peace of mind for parents. To read the full article now, please click here.

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