Abi Hamlin a brave 18 year old was diagnosed with leukemia in March 2011 in the middle of her junior year of high school; originally it required chemotherapy for treatment.  For a while the chemo seemed to be working and she was able to get out of the hospital and return to her life.

But unfortunately it didn’t last.  Shortly into the new year of 2012 she was returned to Seattle Children’s Hospital after it was discovered the leukemia was returning and becoming more aggressive.  Her doctors had originally wanted to issue a bone marrow transplant as a new way to treat the cancer cells but when those cells were discovered to have multiplied this option was taken off the table.

After issuing another round of chemo, the doctors decided to try a cord blood transplant once they found a suitable match to Abi’s blood, which she received on August 6.  Since then she appears to be showing signs of getting better as the cord blood stem cells have developed into the necessary blood cells to fight the cancer.

Abi’s mother Diane says both she and her daughter are grateful that the transplant appears to be working and giving Abi the chance to continue living her life.  She acknowledges they still have a few hurdles to clear and a few more tests that need to be done such as some work on Abi’s kidneys.

“It’s a waiting game,” says Diane.  But they are determined to get Abi better and let her get on with her life.

Abi is expected to move into outpatient care as soon as she can and doctors are hopeful that she will make it home to have a Happy Thanksgiving.

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