
A pregnancy causes several changes to a woman’s lifestyle that often take time to fully adapt.  One of the most important is incorporating a healthy diet filled with nutrients for the baby.  This includes knowing what nutritional foods are safe to eat, but drinks are just as important for the welfare of both mother and child.

The most important thing to remember is simply to stay hydrated.  It is rare that the average person drinks as much water as they are supposed to on a daily basis (approximately 8 glasses), but pregnant women should strive to meet this goal.  Drinking the right amount of water eases pregnancy symptoms, such as swelling and constipation.  It also reduces the risk of infection.

If you enjoy drinking soda, the bad news is that you may have to cut back.  There is a vast amount of sugar included in the average can of soda, which is particularly unhealthy during a pregnancy.  If you choose to drink diet soda, experts recommended avoiding drinks sweetened with saccharine and sucralose.  Doctors state that aspartame is fine, only when small amounts are consumed – the general recommendation is one or two drinks per day.

Milk and fruit juices are highly recommended by doctors, who suggest these drinks almost as frequently as water. Both contain vitamins that are vital for your baby’s health as well as a healthy pregnancy experience.  While natural fruit juices are highly recommended, from-concentrate juice is nutritious as well.  Sparkling water is also a good alternative to bottled or tap water.  You can use lemon and lime to flavour the water for a very refreshing drink.


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