
Banking your baby’s cord blood is a decision that is ultimately made by you and your family.  But while the decision itself is yours to make, it is in your best interests to learn all the facts about cord blood banking from your doctor to be fully educated before you decide what to do.

One fact you will learn is that cord blood is collected within minutes after the birth of the baby.  This process ensures that the health of neither the mother nor the child is put at any risk when a cord blood sample is collected.

The most effective time to discuss cord blood banking is during your first or second trimester, as this gives you enough time to make your plans accordingly.  But once you do broach the subject of cord blood banking with your doctor, there are a number of general questions you should ask to help you learn as much as you can prior to making your decision.

Is Your Doctor Trained To Collect Cord Blood?

Many doctors are capable of collecting cord blood samples.  It is very rare that your doctor will refuse to collect cord blood, and will very likely help you find a representative from a cord blood banking program who is trained should the need arise.

Does Your Hospital Collect And Transport Cord Blood?

Your doctor will likely know if cord blood programs are partnered with specific hospitals.  If you do not receive that information directly from your doctor, they will likely refer you to resources which list cord blood program locations to help you decide where to bank your baby’s cord blood.

Can You Afford Cord Blood Banking?

Cord blood banking can provide you a potential source of therapy for a list of diseases or disorders if ever the need should arise.  Many cord blood programs offer special payment plans to help families make their decision without worrying about breaking their budgets.  You can speak with your doctor about the cost of cord blood banking, and you may even be referred to cord blood specialists who can help you break down the finances of the program.

Is cord blood banking in your family’s future?

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