
Volunteers raised money for cancer research in a fundraising event sponsored by Be The Match in Shaker Heights Ohio.  The event occurred on Saturday July 27 despite the grey weather, providing bystanders a scene to turn their eyes towards.

The volunteers were asked to raise a minimum of $1,000, which is expected to go towards research for new potential therapy derived from bone marrow and umbilical cord blood.  The event was called ‘Over The Edge,’ at which participants scaled down the high-rise Tower East in downtown Shaker Heights.

Tower East is the tallest building in the city, measuring at approximately 50 metres tall.  Over The Edge provided participants with rope and harnesses to scale down the north end of the building, beginning at the top 12th floor.  Friends, family, co-workers, and supporters of cancer research were all asked to pledge their donations, and visit the tower on Saturday to show their support.

Be The Match is a national fundraiser that raises money to help patients with clinical diseases in need of bone marrow or cord blood stem cell transplants.  Be The Match helps break down the barriers to help more patients find viable donors, and receive potentially life-changing therapy.

Cord blood programs found potential therapy from cord blood stem cell transplants, and rely on these fundraising events to finance further research.  Supporters are encouraged to learn more about cord blood to help make future fundraising efforts a success.

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Blog Shaker Heights Hosts Be The Match Over The Edge Fundraising Event
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