Family cord blood banking programs partner with leading hospitals and medical institutions in their respective communities to help expand research into potential therapeutic benefits derived from cord blood stem cell transplants.

Insception Lifebank, Canada’s largest cord blood banking program, established partnerships with renowned hospitals in the Greater Toronto Area.  These arrangements authorize the hospitals to train cord blood collection specialists onsite, who administer the collection process and deliver the banked sample to the cord blood storage facility.

The Insception Lifebank program continues to expand its relationships with other hospitals and facilities that share the overall mission of developing new benefits to expand regenerative and therapeutic medicine.

Mount Sinai Hospital

Insception Lifebank’s first and longest ongoing relationship is with Mount Sinai Hospital, which is based in downtown Toronto.  The agreement, which began in 2004, offers options for Mount Sinai patients to potentially benefit from cord blood stem cell transplants for medical therapy.  A representative from Insception Lifebank maintains an office at Mount Sinai to handle all concerns and inquiries from patients regarding cord blood stem cell therapy.

Scarborough Hospital

The Scarborough Hospital is Insception Lifebank’s partner in the eastern GTA, which is itself located in one of the most ethnically diverse regions in southern Ontario.  Cord blood stem cells are well-known as an option to improve the quality of life for patients with visible ethnic backgrounds.  Traditional therapeutic options are difficult to come by for people of mixed ethnicity, and many backgrounds are vastly underrepresented in stem cell registries across Canada.

Sunnybrook Hospital

In September 2013 Insception Lifebank arranged its newest partnership with Sunnybrook Health Sciences Centre.  Sunnybrook is one of the largest trauma centre and intensive care units in Canada, located near the centre of midtown Toronto, and is renowned around the world as a leader in medical research and education.  Insception Lifebank will open its own office at the hospital to help families learn about their options for cord blood stem cell therapy.

Curious families can learn more about Insception Lifebank and its affiliated partners here.

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