
A study at the Kingston University in London, England determined that Vitamin D is more important for pregnant mothers than previously believed.  Researchers indicate that a lack of the vitamin in pregnant women can increase the likelihood that their children will be diagnosed with diabetes, as well as increase the likelihood that the birth will require a caesarian section.

According to the research, approximately 56 percent of a newborn baby’s supply of Vitamin D supply is passed on by the mother at birth, over triple the percentage previously agreed upon by medical experts.  The study involved 60 mothers and their newborn children from Greece, as the research team wanted a sample of people who enjoy hours of sunshine.  However, many of the mothers surprisingly had low levels of Vitamin D, which suggests their diets are equally as important.

Professor Declan Naughton headed the Kingston research team, who says foods like egg yolks, oily fish, and other seafood is important in an expecting mother’s regular food intake.  Naughton expects the results of this study will open the door to a more extensive study to determine what particular factors make it difficult for women to absorb Vitamin D.

“This shows the need for more accurate measurement to assess levels of Vitamin D as well as the need to look more closely at its different forms.”

Naughton and his team are also conducting research on how Vitamin D affects the likelihood for diabetes, as well as other conditions like MS and Alzheimer’s disease.  The results of this study are considered a first step in answering many of those outstanding questions.

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