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Never in a million years did Dr. Michael and Armené K.† think their family would ever need to use their firstborn son’s preserved newborn stem cells. That changed just three years later with the birth of a second son. Baby Sasoun was diagnosed with Severe Combined Immunodeficiency Syndrome (SCID). This rare genetic disorder would most likely be fatal within the first year or two of life unless Sasoun received an immune-restoring treatment¹. Luckily, the family previously had their firstborn’s cord blood cryopreserved at Insception Lifebank’s American sister company, CBR®, which allowed for a lifesaving cure and created an unbreakable bond between brothers. Meet the incredible family and watch the story of Sasoun’s remarkable recovery made possible by his older brother’s newborn stem cells.


Through sharing their experience, the couple’s hope is that other expectant families will be informed about their options for saving the potentially invaluable resource of newborn stem cells.


† Last name withheld at the family’s request. 1. “Severe Combined Immunodeficiency (SCID).” National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases, U.S. Department of Health and Human Services,

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